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I start every morning with coffee and God through daily devotions from Our Daily Bread Ministries, Today’s devotion is titled “This Is Me” The scripture is from James 3:7–12 with the key verse, " Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.", James 3:10. Lisa M. Samra wrote this devotion. My brothers, and sisters in Christ, all that I write, I pray first to God to guide my words, so that it may serve as spiritual food and guidance. I want God to be the sole source of my writing, so all the credit goes to Him, not to me. I am only his humble servant. I thank God that He led me to use Our Daily Bread Ministries as a base for comments. Most historians agree that James was the half-brother of Jesus. He was not a believer at first, but became an important leader of the Church in Jerusalem after the resurrection of Jesus. James’ theme was faith and deeds. In this devotion James warns against the potential danger of our words. Words are destructive with long-lasting harm. James emphasized the need for believers to recognize the immense power of their words. James said that inconsistency of praising God with one breath and then injuring people who are made in God’s image with the next is very hypocritical. The Bible establishes the unique dignity and beauty of each human being because we are each beautifully designed by God—His unique masterpieces. Our words to each other and about each should be used to reinforce that we are God’s masterpieces.

Reflect: Whose forgiveness might you need to seek for using damaging words? How might you encourage someone today?

Prayer: Creator God, thank You for creating each of us. Help us to use our words both in praise of You and to encourage the people You expertly designed.

May God bless you to use your words both in praise of God and to encourage the people God expertly designed.

Our Daily Bread Ministries (2019, Oct. 22). This Is Me, Lisa M. Samra, retrieved from / This Is Me.

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