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Living Branches

I start every morning with coffee with God through daily devotions from Our Daily Bread. Today’s devotion is titled “Living in the Branches.” Xochitl Dixon wrote this devotion. The scripture reading is from Ephesians 4:14–24 with the key verse, “Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.”, Ephesians 3:17 nlt. My beloved children, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, brothers and sisters in Christ, all that I write, I first pray to God to guide my words so that it will serve as spiritual food and guidance. I desire God to be my sole source of wiring. All the credit goes to God, not me. I am his humble servant. I thank God that He led to use Our Daily Bread Ministries as my inspiration for comments.

Before I knew Christ, I was very insecure about life’s challenges mentally, and especially spiritually. Paul was true when he said that without Jesus and we “are blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming”, Ephesians 4:14.

When I became a Christian, I became deeply rooted and established in Christ’s love and, no longer “blown here and there by every wind of teaching”, Ephesians 4:14.

On our own, it is easy to feel insecure and fragile, pummeled by our fears and insecurities. But as we grow in our identity in Christ. We can experience deep peace with God and each other upheld by Christ’s power.


When do you feel most “blown here and there” by life’s challenges? How might remembering your identity in Jesus encourage and strengthen you?


Jesus, thank You for the overwhelmingly good news that the strength needed to withstand life’s challenges isn’t our own. Help us to grow ever-deeper roots in Your love and our place in Your family.

May God bless you and help you to grow ever-deeper roots in His love and your place in His family.

Our Daily bread Ministries (2020/04/27) Living in the Branches, Monica La Rose, retrieved from 27/04/2020 Living in the Branches

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