A Wide, Sweeping Grace
I start every morning with coffee with God through daily devotions from Our Daily Bread. Today’s devotion is titled “A Wide, Sweeping Grace.” Winn Collier wrote this devotion. The scripture reading is Isaiah 44:21–23 with the key verse, “I have swept away your offenses,” Isaiah 44:22. My beloved children, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, brothers, and sisters in Christ, all I write, I first pray to God to guide my words to serve as spiritual food and guidance. I desire God to be my sole source of writing. All the credit goes to God, not me. I am his humble servant. I thank God that He led to use Our Daily Bread Ministries as my inspiration for comments.
At night, I recall all the mistakes and sins I committed and wanted to go back in time to erase and redo. I get frustrated because I do not know which point in my life to return.
God offers us a clean start. He gives redemption and thorough healing that transforms and makes us new. There is no mistake or wound He cannot erase or heal. God’s mercy heals and redeems the most painful places in our soul, even the ones we have hidden. His compassion and forgiveness take away all our guilt and regrets.
Where are you most aware of your failures? How does the image of God sweeping away all your mistakes give you hope?
So many regrets, so many things I would do differently. God, You tell me that You can forgive and heal me. Thank You for Your mercy and grace.
My Prayer for You:
May God bless, forgive, and heal you through His mercy and grace.
Our Daily bread Ministries (2020/07/21) A Wide, Sweeping Grace, Winn Collier, retrieved from www.odb.org 21/07/2020 A Wide, Sweeping Grace