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I start every morning with coffee with God through daily devotions from Our Daily Bread. Today’s devotion is titled “Betrayed” Lisa M. Samra wrote this devotion. The scripture reading is John 13:18–22, Psalm 41:9–12 with the key verse, “Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who shared my bread, has turned against me.”, Psalm 41:9. My beloved children, grandchildren, cousins, nephews, brothers, and sisters in Christ, all I write, I first pray to God to guide my words to serve as spiritual food and guidance. I desire God to be my sole source of writing. All the credit goes to God, not me. I am his humble servant. I thank God that He led to use Our Daily Bread Ministries as my inspiration for comments.

I can not recall being betrayed by any close friend because I had no close friends. My wife was betrayed by a person she confided in and absolutely loved. The only thing my wife wanted from her was a sympathetic ear. What she got was criticism of how she raised her daughter.

The only thing that comforted my wife was the thought that Jesus loved her and our daughter. The Lord used many people to support us and uplift our daughter and us.

Friends will disappoint. However, we can find comfort knowing God’s sustaining love and empowering presence will be with us to help endure even the most devastating pain.


How have you experienced the betrayal of a friend? How has the reassurance of God’s love and presence sustained you?


Heavenly Father, I am thankful that Your love is more reliable than any betrayal. When I face rejection, help me find strength in the knowledge that You are always with me.

My Prayer for You:

May God bless you and find strength in knowing that God is always with you and be thankful that the Heavenly Father’s love is more significant than any betrayal

Our Daily bread Ministries (2020/07/26) Betrayed, Lisa M. Samra, retrieved from 26/07/2020 Betrayed

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