Empty Hands and A Loving Father
Everyone should start every day with God. I chose to read daily devotions from Our Daily Bread. Today's devotion is titled "You should start every day with God. I chose to read daily devotions from Our Daily Bread. Today's devotion is titled "Empty Hands." Arthur Jackson wrote this devotion. The scripture reading is from Luke 15:17–24. The key verse is, "His father saw him and was filled with compassion for him." Luke 15:20. My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ; before I write, I first pray to God to guide my words to serve as spiritual food and guidance. I desire God to be my sole source of writing. All the credit goes to God, not me. I am his humble servant. I thank God that He led me to use Our Daily Bread Ministries to inspire comments and witnessing.
The word compassion in Luke 15:20 comes from the Greek verb splanchnízomai. The noun form of this word refers to "bowels or intestines." Ancient Greek poets saw the "bowels" as the seat of more violent emotions. The Hebrews saw the "bowels" as the place for affections such as kindness and compassion. When the verb is used in the New Testament, it refers to internal feelings of pity resulting in external benevolence acts. In Luke 15:20, compassion motivated the father to welcome his son: "[He] was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him."
My comments to you:
I felt like a great weight lifted off my shoulders when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Jesus has paid my sin debt. It reminds me that by Jesus' death, he revealed a loving Father who welcomes empty-handed children with open arms. As One hymn writer expressed it: "Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling." You can receive forgiveness for all your sins. Come as you are, empty-handed.
How does it make you feel that because Jesus has paid your sin debt, you can receive forgiveness for all your sins? If you've never received this forgiveness, what's keeping you from accepting this gift through Jesus?
My prayer for us:
God of heaven, help us receive and enjoy the forgiveness You have provided through Your Son, Jesus.
Our Daily bread Ministries (2021/09/03) Empty Hands, Arthur Jackson, retrieved from www.odb.org 03/09/2021 Empty Hands.